Click here to see the R from the air--an aerial photo of the WRKL towers from 1000 feet over the swamp in 2001
June 2024: SCOTT SALOTTO shared some drone video of a WRKL fly-by. Here you can see what's left of the towers, over seven years after the collapse of tower #1, aka "Shorty", foreground left
And here is what the old building looks like from overhead in 2024
Inside the building
More inside stuff
This group of pictures was taken in 1999, a couple of months before WRKL was sold to Polnet
Old photos of staffers!
And we're looking for more. But you gotta start somewhere, so why not HERE?
The 1996 Rockland Business Trade Show
WRKL Live on Location at Rockland Community College, with the Phil Stern Show.
The End Was Near
Here's a look at a few of the remaining staffers as of January 1999, just 2 months before the sale.
Life After WRKL
A few shots from the Y2K reunion
The Scott Salotto Collection
A former staffer shares some photos
Rich Komonchak turns 50!
In honor of his 50th birthday, Rich Komonchak's wife Christine had a caricature done
When NABET (the National Association of Broadcast Employees & Technicians) struck WRKL for an initial contract, here's how the story was covered in the June 1985 NABET News.
The BC1E Gets A New Home (and the link to it now works!)
In the Spring of 2001, WRKL's old Gates BC1E transmitter had to go, in order to make room for the new nighttime equipment. This transmitter had been WRKL's full power standby transmitter for over 25 years, but was taken out of service in 1995, when a new main transmitter was installed. A local amateur radio operator offered to give the old 'E' a new home. See pictures of the move at his web page. Unfortunately, the site says that the BC1E was stolen in 2007, as impossible as that sounds. Read all about it.
Make your visit complete by stopping by the rest of the KIOTR pages:
Sound files from the glory days of WRKL
Things of historical significance; licenses, logs, newspaper r-ticles, more
The WRKL Alumni Page. Can you help fill in some of the blanks?
A brief history of the station
A look at the construction and additional equipment necessary to make WRKL a 24 hour facility. Warning: LOTS of pictures - it may take a minute to load.
See what people R saying about the R, and throw in your 2 cents worth