Beijing 2008 Olympic Park Art

We have limited access to the Olympic Park now, and without many people around, we'll take a look at the art here on the western edge of the park.
Below, 5 Olympic torches are carried, with the National Indoor Stadium as a backdrop.

The rest off the art shown here is on display in numerous tree-lined public areas, where there are information booths, public telephones, restrooms and refreshment stands, none of which are in operation yet.
Below is 'Morning Dreaming'

Here is 'Touch'

This is 'Billiards'

This little guy is titled 'Joy of Sport'

'Dimensional Shift in Consciousness'

'One World Leads to Another'

'Dance With the Wind'

'Cuju-the Origin of Football'

'The Ark'

'Wind from the Sea'





And finally, a monument to the Olympic Volunteers

Enough art? There are more Olympic Park pictures on the next page, including some taken inside the Bird's Nest.

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